About Loopio

Loopio’s mission is to help ambitious companies and people grow. Every company is filled with knowledgeable people who can help their organizations reach their full potential. But this expertise is difficult to tap into every time it’s needed in the sales cycle—whether that’s for an RFP, Security Questionnaire, DDQ, or a question on a sales call. The Loopio RFP response platform makes harnessing intelligence from every corner of an organization possible at scale. With Loopio, every request for information becomes an opportunity to grow—instead of a blocker to it.

About the Event

Event: Loopicon 2022
Date: September 14-15, 2022
Venue: Virtual
Website: https://loopicon.com

Loopicon is a ground-breaking, educational conference for ambitious proposal and sales professionals who want to accelerate their company’s growth and advance their careers. Every year, Loopicon brings the best and brightest in the response industry together to share innovative ideas, network with peers, and propel the proposal management profession forward.

Loopicon was filled to the brim with valuable content over two days, all brought together through a dynamic and modern virtual environment. Memorable keynote speakers included the incredible Riaz Meghji, who shared his insights on the importance of connection.

The event combined live and pre-recorded content, as well as fun social elements such as the industry’s biggest game of RFP trivia and a virtual magic show from captivating celebrity magician, Johnny Wu.

The LOMA team was tasked with overall project management, as well as overseeing the selection and execution of the virtual conference platform, speaker sourcing and end-to-end management, social activities, and post-event feedback and reconciliation. We worked collaboratively with the Loopio project team using their existing project management technology to ensure a smooth execution and successful event.


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